Smart File Manager

A file manager with retrieval based on content instead of name to learn the basics of C++.


Dynamically Priced Bakery Management System

This is management system (customers and stock) I built for a fictional bakery as part of my Computer Science A Level in C#. I added dynamic pricing (like Uber's surge pricing), adjusting product costs in real-time, all aimed at reducing waste and improving profitability.

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Blinkwise: App Usage Regulator

Blinkwise was my first ‘real’ project. It’s an app designed to help people regulate their use of other apps, particularly social media. I realised that once you get into a habit of using an app, it’s quite hard to break, and infringes on your productivity. The solutions currently on the market weren’t good enough, so I made Blinkwise through a lot of psychology research (I was lucky enough to speak to some experts in the field!) to produce something that worked for me. Blinkwise embraces the benefits of social media but adds a layer of control to their use.

To build it, I learned Dart (Flutter) and some Swift (SwiftUI, App Intents Framework). The Swift was used to create a shortcut (that’s the gif playing), which is the most important feature as it adds friction without blocking the app through some sneaky interaction with the phone system. Firebase is used to confidentially store the user data.

Check it out on the App Store!